6th English | Sem - 2 | Unit -1 | Activity -4 | ફકરા આધારિત પ્રશ્ન - જવાબ


6th English | Sem - 2 | Unit -1 | Activity -4 | ફકરા આધારિત પ્રશ્ન - જવાબ 

નીચે આપેલ ફકરાના આધારે પ્રશ્નના જવાબ આપો.


                  The Maharaja of Travancore ordered a huge dinner. That was for many important guests. So the Maharaja personally came to the kitchen. He wanted best dishes for the guest. The cook was busy with his work when the Maharaja came.

Questions Answers:

(1) Who ordered a huge dinner ?

Ans. The king ordered a huge dinner.

(2) Why did Maharaja personally came to the kitchen ?

Ans. Maharaja personally came to the kitchen because there were many important guests.

(3) What did the Maharaja want ?

Ans. The Maharaja wanted the best dishes for the guests.

(4) When the Maharaja came, What was the cook doing ?

Ans. When the Maharaja came, the cook was busy with his work.

(5) Write opposite word for :


(1) tiny X huge  

(2) idle X busy

(3) some X many

(6) The cook was busy with his work. ( True / False )

Ans. True

(7) That was for some important guests. ( True / False )

Ans. True

(8) The Maharaja did not come to the kitchen. ( True / False )

Ans. False



Cook   :  Welcome , My Lord ! I am happy to see you here.

King    : Your dishes smell really good.

Cook   : Thank you, Your Majesty.

King    : ( Pointing to the scraps in the basket ) What is there in the basket ?

Cook   : That is vegetable waste, Your Majesty. I will throw it away.

King   : No, no. You can not waste all the vegetables. Find a way to use them.

Cook  : Surely, I will.  

Questions Answers:

(1) Who welcomed the king ?

Ans. The cook welcomed the king.

(2) What is in the basket ?

Ans. There were vegetables waste in the basket.

(3) The cook was happy to see the king. ( True / False )

Ans. True

(4) You can not waste all the vegetables. Who speaks this sentence ?

Ans. The king

(5) That is vegetables waste. Who speaks this sentence ?

Ans. The cook

(6) You dishes smell really good. Who speaks this sentence ?

Ans. The king

(7) Did the cook agree with the king ?

Ans. Yes, the cook agreed with the king.

(8) Write opposite word for :


(1) sad X happy

(2) there X here

(3) bad X good


                  Then the king left the kitchen. The cook was worried. He stared at the scraps and started thinking. He had an idea. He first washed the vegetables. Then he cut the vegetables into long strips. He put them in a big pot. He started to cook it. He ground some fresh coconut, green chillies and garlic together. He added this paste into the vegetables. He then added salt, too. He added some whipped curd to the curry. He also poured a few spoonfuls of coconut oil. He then decorated the dish with curry leaves. The new dish was ready. He served the dish to the guests. Everyone liked it very much.

Questions Answers:

(1) Who left the kitchen ?

Ans. The king left the kitchen.

(2) Who was worried  ?

Ans. The cook was worried.

(3) The cook first washed the vegetables. ( True / False )

Ans. True

(4) What did the cook grind ?

Ans. The cook ground some fresh coconut, green chillies and garlic together.

(5) What did the cook add in the dish ?

Ans. The cook added the paste, salt, some whipped curd etc.

(6) The cook decorated the dish with curry leaves. ( True / False )

Ans. True

(7) Everyone liked the new dish very much. ( True / False )

Ans. True

(8) Write opposite word for ;


(1) short X long

(2) many X some

(3) old X new


The guests  :  What is the name of this dish? ( The cook was confused )

Cook          : The name of this dish is “uh-vi-hl” ( Avial)

                      Avial became famous all over Kerala. And just imagine, It all came from a basket of waste! Do you know who the cook was ? It was Bhima, one of the Pandavas. And the king was King Virata. Pandavas were hiding in his kinddom. Avial is also popular in Tamil Nadu.


Questions Answers:

(1) What was the name of the dish ?

Ans. The name of the dish was Avial ( “uh-vi-hl”)

(2) Who was the cook ?

Ans. The cook was Bhima, one of the Pandavas.

(3) What was the name of the king ?

Ans. The name of the king was King Virat.

(4) Where is Avial popular ?

Ans. Avial is popular in Tamil Nadu.

(5) Where were the Pandavas hinding ?

Ans. The Pandavas were hiding in the kingdom of the King Virat.

(6) Who was confused ?

Ans. The cook was confused.

(7) Avial is also popular in Gujarat. ( True / False )

Ans. False

(8) Avial became famous all over Kerela.

Ans. True

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